The Events Industry Support Fund 2, which will provide financial support to Scottish event businesses still facing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19, is now open for applications.
Applications to the fund will be open until 5pm on Friday 26 February 2021 and subject to demand, eligible events businesses that meet the criteria will be eligible to receive an award of up to £10,000, plus an additional 15% of total earnings in 2019/2020, up to a maximum award of £20,000.
The criteria for the fund has been broadened out to ensure it reaches those event businesses last year’s Events Industry Support Fund did not reach and who may not have been able to access any other funding up to this point.
Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland’s Director of Events, said: “The guidance and criteria for the Events Industry Support Fund 2 takes on board the lessons learned from the original fund as well as feedback from the industry to ensure it reaches the event businesses last year’s fund did not reach, as well as helping those eligible event businesses that have been unable to access any funding up to this point.
“Scotland’s events industry continues to be severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, with many businesses having been unable to work since March 2020. The announcement by the Scottish Government of further funding for the industry will ensure meaningful financial support is in place until events can restart.”