VisitScotland Business Events has launched Scotland’s “Legends Legacy Network” – an evolution of its award-winning Legends marketing campaign.

The initiative was announced this week at a dinner hosted by The National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and Heritage Portfolio, attended by 15 organisations across Scotland. The Legends Legacy Network recognises that collaboration is what makes Scotland the incredible place it is for innovation, research, invention and its pioneering spirit. It will bring together Scotland’s innovation centres, industry representative organisations and research hubs, to utilise Scotland’s Business Events to enhance Scotland’s inward investment, inclusive growth and global profiling ambitions. 

The evening welcoming a variety of sectors including technology, data science, creative, food & drink, marine, publishing, sensors & imaging and life sciences who were represented by internationally renowned institutions such as The Data Lab, The Scottish Association for Marine Science, The Roslin Institute, Creative Scotland and many more.

The evening focused on the importance of legacy and collaboration, both nationally and internationally and how the country can connect with international businesses through business events. Incredible talent is brought into Scotland on a weekly basis through Business Events that Scotland’s sectors can collaborate with, create new networks, encourage investment, look at new perspectives, pool international talent and showcase Scotland as a place where new #ideasbecomelegend.

Rory Archibald, Associations and Sectors at VisitScotland Business Events said: “Legacy is much more than a fun run or a one off public event as part of a conference programme. It is key to work closely with Scottish expertise, so that event organisers and delegates can see Scotland as a destination with world-class knowledge, that with collaboration, can create lasting partnerships, secure mutually beneficially investment and help discover the next idea that will become legend, the next idea that can change the world . The Legends Legacy Network will continue to push and develop on the outstanding work that has already been achieved through the Legends campaign and continue to show that Business Events are a critical tool for economic and social progress.