Lime Venue Portfolio is reporting on another record-breaking period of event enquiries and conversions across its 80+ strong portfolio. The news follows its predictions, earlier this year, that Summer Events would boost the industry, now the brand sees Christmas events as the next opportunity.

We’re seeing over 50% quarter-on-quarter increases across all our business sectors, and our prediction that Summer Parties would drive performance has been proven right. Fourteen per cent of all our enquiries are in the evening, reception, or social sectors,” commented Jo Austin, Sales Director, Lime Venue Portfolio. “We think this could also be a good indication for a healthy Christmas Party market, which we are also seeing enquiries for as well. It shows a confidence in celebration events, and a growing value of what they can achieve for business.”

The Lime Venue Portfolio insight team is also expecting even more activity across the meetings and events industry as confidence continues to flood back into the agency community.

One of the most significant trends so far in 2022 is the return of the agency sector,” continues Jo. “It is so good to see our clients hiring new people, growing their teams, and winning more businesses. It’s creating a virtuous circle and a momentum that we believe will continue right into 2023.”

Lime Venue Portfolio is anticipating that 2022 will be its most successful year since its inception 12 years ago, both in terms of enquiries handled and business on the books.

We’re also seeing 33% of non-converted enquiries lost due to a lack of capacity in our venues. While this absolutely chokes me, it must be great news for the industry,” says Jo. “It shows there are quality events being run, and that businesses have confidence in what we do, and the desire to get these programmes in place.”

Source: Lime Venue Portfolio