An Edinburgh hotel is advising guests to ‘check in their tech’ at the weekend to get a proper night’s sleep as the clocks go back.
Apex Hotel, on Waterloo Place, has come up with the novel ‘digital detox’ – along with some free pampering – to help guests ease into the Daylight Saving change on Sunday.
Dubbed National Sleep In Day, the hotel has created a package of luxurious treats, including the option for guests to check in their tech, to mark the occasion.
Taking heed of the Sleep Council’s Great British Bedtime Report 2017, which said that almost a third of us get a poor sleep most nights and almost 40% keep and use a Smartphone in the bedroom – the family-owned hotel is taking steps to ensure guests catch up on the much-needed Z’zzzzzzs.
Guests will be invited to switch off completely by swapping digital devices for a selection of books and magazines to help them into the land of nod.
They’ll also get a hot drink, and a bath drawn for them on arrival while their luggage is brought to their rooms before enjoying a cosy robe and slippers, luxury toiletries including a pillow spray to further aid sleep, use of the hotel’s leisure facilities and relaxation tips
Breakfast in bed will also be served to ensure the extra hour in bed does not go to waste.
Angela Vickers, CEO of Apex Hotels, which operates 10 hotels across the UK, says: “When the clocks went forward earlier this year we gave guests an extra hour in their rooms so they didn’t lose out.
“This time around they are gaining an extra hour in bed, so we decided to pull out all the stops to help them to get the most of out their stay during National Sleep In Day.
“We’ve created the ‘Do Not Disturb’ package especially to mark this national day so that guests experience our signature warmer welcome to the full and enjoy the ultimate relaxing stay with the chance to switch off entirely.”
Sleep advisor and expert Lisa Artis, of the Sleep Council, said: “National Sleep In Day is the only time when we can indulge in an extra hour in bed without any of the guilt. Whether you use it for sleeping or just resting, it’s extremely beneficial for mind and body.
“The digital detox is a great idea as it takes away any temptation to check social media, watch videos pictures or being consumed with work emails. There is no denying we live in a very connected world but it’s really important that we give ourselves time to recharge our batteries and switch off from the outside world.”
The bespoke package is available for guests who book to stay for two nights between October 26 and 29, and will be sold on a first-come-first served basis subject to remaining availability.
National Sleep In Day was established by The Sleep Council, an impartial organisation that raises awareness of a good night’s sleep to health and wellbeing, and how to adopt healthier sleep habits.
For more information check out www.apexhotels.co.uk/warmerwelcome