Details have emerged of the first live, in-person business event in the UK since the latest lockdown.

The Good Business Festival will host launch event Change Business for Good on 28 April at ACC Liverpool with up to 1,000 delegates in attendance as part of the Government’s pilot event scheme.

The event will feature lateral flow testing before and after the event ‐ and not vaccine certification in any form ‐ to get audiences back safely as restrictions are gradually eased.

Faye Dyer, managing director of The ACC Liverpool Group, said: “We are pleased to be hosting the first live business event in the UK following the latest lockdown and it will be fantastic to be able to open our doors to 1,000 delegates for the first time since last March.

“This follows covid SMART testing which was piloted at a smaller business conference at our venue in December, showing that once again Liverpool is leading the way in supporting efforts to reignite business events which remain vital for economic recovery.”

Change Business for Good will feature discussions about how health, growth and social recovery are intrinsically linked to business as we move out of lockdown and examine how businesses can drive future success without returning to old habits that harm our environment, increase inequality and fail to ‘level‐up’ our regions.

The pilot event will launch The Good Business Festival main event, taking place 7–9 July at venues across the Liverpool City Region. Commissioned by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, the three‐day event aims to be a platform for consumers and leaders to come together and explore the powerful potential of business to improve lives, deliver meaningful change and realise a purpose beyond profit.

Tickets will be available from late April for a small donation to local charities in the Liverpool City Region.

Frank Rogers, chief executive, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority said: “We welcome the news that a precursor event to the Good Business Festival is being hosted here in the Liverpool City Region as part of the government’s Events Research Programme pilot scheme. We’re pleased that the Combined Authority is able to help play a role in the science‐led research around the reopening of the live events sector, which is so vital to our city region economy.

“The Coronavirus pandemic has dealt a hammer blow to people and businesses across our region and around the world but, with the rollout of vaccines gathering pace, there is now hope that the end is in sight.

“As we look now to recovery there is the opportunity to think again about the kind of city region, and world, we want to build and the Good Business Festival is the perfect platform to discuss these ideas.”