The EVENTIT team are delighted to introduce some of our world-renowned speakers, and give you a taste of the innovative ideas and insights that will be revealed at the show.
Robert Dunsmore – Freelance Creative Director, concept and content creator & storytelling strategist – will host Activate your Ideas Factory.
The session will focus on extreme innovation and rapid idea generation.
“Tame your brain, train your brain, game your brain and aim your brain”
The top three learning outcomes will be: Where do good ideas come from; How to optimise the good ideas process; Why good ideas are inclusive.
Kim Myhre – Founder of Xdesigned & intersectional design thinker, thought leader, innovation activist and brand storyteller – will host Designing for Future Events.
Kim said: “Despite the covid induced trauma of the past 18 months, I believe that there has never been better time to be in the events business.
A new generation of digitally engaged audiences, new event technologies and the growth of virtual experience, has created amazing opportunities for event designers.
It would be foolish for the events industry not to realise that transformational change is now here, and that it will impact the future of how we design and deliver live experiences. Now we will be expected to design more on-live or hybrid experiences – where digital and live medium work seamlessly and effortlessly together to amplify the brand experience both for those physically in attendance as well as the growing numbers of remote digital attendees.
This means that relying on the traditional approaches and expertise that the events industry has been using for years to plan events will not be sufficient to create the next generation of on-live experiences. It’s time to embrace the inevitable future and adopt a new, more human centric approach to experience design that is better suited to the demands of our increasingly digital world.”
Rob Davidson – Managing Director of MICE Knowledge – will host Designing Business Events for Generation Z.
Rob said: “Like so many others, I’m absolutely delighted that the organisers of EVENTIT have had the courage and foresight to run the show this year. In the time that has elapsed since the last EVENTIT, Generation Z has grown massively in importance as a market for business events, and that’s why my presentation in September will focus on what people born after 1996 want from the meetings, conferences and incentive trips they attend. I will show how business events can be best designed to appeal to this particular demographic with their unique needs and expectations.”
View the full Education Programme here
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