If I were you, I wouldn’t start from here!
As the old joke goes when a tourist is asking for directions. 2020 has been an interesting year to say the least.
Here at OpenAudience we have transformed from 95% physical pre-Covid to what at times seems to be about 180% virtual! In that period, we have travelled the world from the security of our home offices and in October alone delivered in excess of 80 separate virtual events which is no small feat for an 8-person team.
From 9 consecutive days of ‘Pre-Consultant’ medical training, through 5 x 18 hour days across 3 time zones delivering a full virtual congress including live streaming then to 4 days on Oral presentations and Posters, internal training, ‘state of the nation’ briefings, Ad Boards and Focus Groups, in excess of 100 pre-records of speakers for two congresses through to a full Virtual studio experience with the added benefit of shipping Green Screens to speakers in Switzerland and Germany. Simple Zoom through more complex Microsites to full virtual congress platforms.
The one feature of this period has been the willingness of clients and partners to be ‘more or less’ relaxed about the challenges and it has been a major voyage of discovery. Expectations are still high and rightly so but there has been an element of ‘we are all in this together’.
The biggest learning for me during this period has been that by recruiting a great team in pre-Covid times with the right skills, attitude and approach we have been well placed to ride out the Covid storm. We have adapted, fallen back on the skills of organisation and technical delivery we have always had and approached every event and every request with curiosity, interest and a desire to do the best we can do for some great clients.
We are really looking forward to 2021 and a more regular mix of Virtual, Hybrid and ‘fingers crossed’ some Physical events again.
We’d love to hear from you!
Leslie Robertson, CEO and Founder
+44(0)7766 504 028