We are conducting a research project on behalf of EVENTIT and EVENTSBASE to help create more effective human interaction at future events.
Join delegates (attendee survey), organisers (organiser survey) and stakeholders (stakeholder survey) from across the UK and beyond to share your experiences, good and bad, on human interactions during online events. Your involvement will enable the event sector to move forward positively by integrating the best elements of virtual events to ensure we create effective, engaging, sustainable and inclusive events and gatherings in the future.
Interviews have already been carried out with, among others, VisitScotland, IMEX Group, Speakeasy, BestCities Global Alliance and University of Strathclyde which have given us a great understanding from the organisers perspective but we want to extend that reach to ensure our results accurately reflect the views and experiences of attendees, stakeholders and organisers from all sectors of the economy.
In these surveys, we are keen to get the views of anyone who has attended or organised a virtual event. The attendee survey will take about 15 minutes (so grab yourself a coffee or a glass of wine!) with the others nearer 10 mins, and you’ll be asked questions about the following topics:
- What kinds of events you have attended
- Your thoughts on different ways of interacting with others in online events
- Your access to online events
- Your thoughts on the formats of online events
- Your thoughts on the future of online events
- Demographic questions about yourself
We will share our findings with everyone to allow you benefit from the research and ultimately create better events in the future.
Please contact Jo Pearce (j.pearce.1@research.gla.ac.uk) or Judith Wilson (judith@eventit.org.uk) with any questions about the project.