Sustainability and wellbeing can no longer simply be a talking point; it is time for action!

Event organisers work across all sectors of the economy so our events can be a catalyst for transformation and a driver to tackle issues such as climate change and human rights. We can lead by example.

EVENTIT is committed to creating sustainable business events but like so many of our fellow MICE Professionals we are only just starting this journey and need the support of experts to show us what is meant by a sustainable event, indicate what areas we can take responsibility for and help us to be an influencer of change. So, over the coming 12 months and beyond, we will be working with a wide variety of organisations and individuals who can help us design our events with sustainability at the core, to source suppliers who can assist us in reaching our goals and through our media platform EVENTSBASE, report on our journey highlighting both our achievements and our challenges.

During EVENTIT 2021 we began this journey by bringing together industry leaders to discuss their experiences and demonstrate how organisers can reduce the carbon footprint of their events. These conversations explored how event planners and managers can make incremental changes that have real impact, such as choosing compostable and biodegradable products, rethinking logistics, making changes to catering, creating incentives for responsible clients and putting sustainability as a key criteria when choosing suppliers.

Through our Virtual Educational Showcase series, we are offering MICE Professionals, who were unable to join us at our show in September last year, another chance to hear from our industry experts and to meet with exhibitors who can work with them to create more sustainable event solutions.

So please come with us on our sustainability journey and join us on Friday 4 March (09:45 – 12:45) for our third virtual event ‘Exploring Sustainable and Wellbeing Event Solutions’, where you will hear from: 

  • Pauline Beattie and Mark Upham from Conference Care looking into how to create a carbon offsetting event;
  • Aaron Mckeen introducing the EICC’s ‘Step Change’ sustainability meetings initiative; and
  • A panel discussion with Kim Myhre, Experience Designed, Stuart Mitchell, Catch the MICE, and Mark Kisby, AV Department, considering what sustainability really means in events.

It will also be the perfect opportunity to make face to face meetings with our exhibitors who represent a wide variety of suppliers who can help you in creating more sustainable future events. 

Apply for your free place HERE.

Throughout the summer the EVENTIT Masterclass Series will continue these conversations with the country’s finest innovators to support the industry in the journey to a more sustainable future. Then on 13 September at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, our EVENTIT tradeshow will bring together some of these leaders, for in-depth camp-fire sessions, and exhibitors, who can help influence future event designs. 

Please keep an eye out on social media and our EVENTSBASE newsletter for more information on up-and-coming events.