As statistics go, it’s a pretty compelling one. According to research by German event tech firm 80% of goodie bag contents are binned at conferences. The company, perhaps not surprisingly, has come up with a tech solution and ‘digital goodie bags’ are the future.
The Eventbaxx firm, based in Saarbrücken in southern Germany, with an office in Istanbul, where they won an investment pitching contest last year, is gearing up for a big international push on its Swag Bag product. In fact, they have just returned from Event Tech Live in London, one of the largest gatherings for event technologists in Europe.
Sandra Engel, Marketing Manager for the company, says: “There is a lot of waste with goodie bags, so doing something digital seemed to be an obvious solution. There has been a very positive response to the technology [from the events industry] – and clients can clearly see the benefits of a digital goodie bags because they can track the numbers of people opening them, and redeeming the offer. Events organisers can analyse this response and monetise the products as well. You can’t do that with a physical bag.”
Not only that, but a digital goodie bag cuts down on the carbon footprint of events.
“We can directly reduce carbon dioxide that goes into the manufacture, transport and waste collection of the goodie bag,” adds Engel. “It saves paper, so it’s a very sustainable product. We can also include little games as part of the digital content, to make it more interactive and fun.”
The company has grown from two (the initial founders Marc Grewenig and Max Ulbrich, who conducted the research into goodie bags waste) to 16 staff in the last 12 months. After securing investment from the Startup Bootcamp in Istanbul, they have won a three-year contract with a German sports and media company, and are looking to grow their business in the UK.
“It’s really easy in English-speaking countries to explain the concept, as ‘goodie bags’ are a well-known concept,” adds Engel.
“We would like to establish relationships that lasts for longer than one event. We want to deal with the big players in the events industry.”