Applications to the Events Industry Support Fund 3 (EISF 3) are now open and will close 5pm, Thursday 31 March 2022.
The Events Industry Support Fund 3 is for businesses in the events industry, which have not previously received event-related COVID-19 business support funding, which are still trading and operating, and which have suffered a financial loss due to the cancellation or restriction of events in Scotland between 8 December 2021 and 31 March 2022 due to the Omicron restrictions.
It is open to the self-employed (through limited company or as a sole trader), partnerships and incorporated businesses. Businesses must have a place of business in Scotland or be physically operating in Scotland to deliver or supply to the cancelled or restricted events.
Grants to eligible businesses will be based on annual earnings and when the cancelled or restricted events were due to take place.
Source: VisitScotland