Last week, Angus Robertson (Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and culture) called on the events industry to step up their efforts to reduce the spread of the virus, as part of a collective effort across all sectors. EVENTIT will certainly be part of this effort.  

The EVENTIT team believe that implementing Covid safety measures is an essential part of the industry building back better – showing that event organisers, delegates and exhibitors are coming together to prioritise one another’s health, safety and peace of mind. 

As such, EVENTIT are going above and beyond government-recommended policies. On the day, attendees will experience an array of different measures that can be put in place to mitigate Covid concerns, providing inspiration for their future events! 

Measures include:  

Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) – everyone travelling to the venue is requested to take a LFT before leaving home.  

On arrival, delegates will be pop along to One Space to receive a LFT administered by the Acacium Group and the Scottish Nursing Guild. 

A negative test is mandatory for entry to the venue – Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). 

A one-way system will be in place to ensure social distancing on the exhibition floor, and ensure that delegates get a chance to visit each exhibitors stand.  

Face Coverings are requested to be worn at all times except when eating and drinking.  

Hand sanitiser stations will be located at registration, across the show floor, at masterclasses and in networking areas. 

Thorough Cleaning of the venue will take place prior to and during the event. High touch-points will be sanitised throughout the day. 

Air conditioning units will be set at maximum fresh air intake and full extraction mode to minimise risk of air recirculation.