Scotland’s only trade show for business events, meetings, incentives and hospitality professionals returns next week. EVENTIT offers high calibre buyers the opportunity to connect with industry professionals involved in delivering Scotland’s £3.5 billion business events and meetings industry.
Taking place on Friday 10 September 2021 from 9.30am – 4.30pm at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), this will be the first in-person gathering for the events industry in Scotland, providing an opportunity to reconnect and help bolster the re-building of the sector, with the aim of ‘building back better’.
Judith Wilson (Events Director, EVENTIT) said: “I can’t wait to open the doors to our industry colleagues on Friday 10 September. We have missed the buzz, the energy and the good old-fashioned blether. There are so many unanswered questions as to what events will look like in the coming years so never has there been a better time to build back better. EVENTIT will be the start of those important discussions and an opportunity to learn more about the new solutions and creative ideas available to us to ensure we rebuild our fabulous sector.”
EVENTIT will allow event organisers and planners to meet up with suppliers, old and new, to find out what developments have taken place since the start of the pandemic, how things have changed, partnerships that have been formed, and the wide range of innovative platforms and solutions now available. There is an education programme, combining panels and masterclasses. The themes of these sessions will be sustainability, building back better and event technology.
Topics presented by a range of experts will include Sustainable Meetings, Journey to Change, Designing Future Events, Embracing New Technologies and What Is An Event Anyway? And How Do You Make Yours Stand Out? Places are limited for each session, and priority access to the Education Programme will be given to delegates who have registered for EVENTIT when booking opens in early September.
With 95 exhibitors confirmed so far, EVENTIT will showcase what the Scottish events industry is made of. Exhibitors confirmed so far include Avanti West Coast, Expo FP, Rosebery Venues, Jurys, the Glasgow Science Centre, ODEON Events, Open Audience, Stirling Highland, YOTEL and many more. See the full list of exhibitors here.
Rob Davidson (Managing Director, MICE Knowledge) said: “Like so many others, I’m absolutely delighted that the organisers of EVENTIT have had the courage and foresight to run the show this year. In the time that has elapsed since the last EVENTIT, Generation Z has grown massively in importance as a market for business events, and that’s why my presentation in September will focus on what people born after 1996 want from the meetings, conferences and incentive trips they attend. I will show how business events can be best designed to appeal to this particular demographic with their unique needs and expectations.”
Martin Jack (Managing Director, Think Different Events) Ltd added: “The events industry has been, and always will be, about people. For the past 18 months, doing what we do best, with the people and organisations we serve and are served by, has been all but impossible.
Until now that is…
The return of EVENTIT is the first opportunity to find out what everyone has been up to and will undoubtedly help us move forward again with a growing sense of confidence.”
From 3.00 – 4.30pm there will be a recruitment element to the event, with an opportunity for experienced event professionals who have been impacted by furlough and the contraction of the industry due to the pandemic to network and meet potential contacts and employers. This is an important aspect of re-building and re-growing the events sector.
As one of the first in-person events in Scotland, there will be several health and safety precautions in place. The EVENTIT team will operate a one-way system and ongoing queue management so that people are spaced out across both floors of the EICC. There will also be Covid-19 lateral flow testing in place for all delegates before they enter the event.
To find out more information about the event, how you can exhibit and register to attend for free please visit: eventit.org.uk