Pauline Kwasniak (Female Event Planners), James Kelley (MCI’s Director of Onsite Services) and Kathryn Frankson (Informa’s Director of Event Marketing) are just some of the names on Event Technology Awards (ETA) 2021 judges list.
15 new names were revealed last week, including representatives from: Reed Exhibitions, The Pie News, Dahlia+, Kingstad, Event Tech Lab, Moss Inc, Event Specialists, World of Mice, TSNN, Hot Hospitality Exchange, Montgomery Events, INVNT and StayJam Shows.
This year’s entries have broken all sorts of records for their number, diversity and quality across all 34 categories. ETA judges have some difficult decisions to make ahead of the awards ceremony in November.
Adam Parry, co-founder of the Event Technology Awards, comments:
“From sorting the shortlist through to declaring the winners, our judges have a real job to do, on top of everything else they’re involved with…We need absolute commitment from everyone too, of course, so to secure this level of people, who work for companies that really cross the T in tech, right across the world, is fantastic. It means the best new systems and solutions will get their deserved rewards at ETA21. My sincere thanks to all involved.”
The Event Technology Awards 2021 is open for entries until Saturday 31 July. For more information about the event, including a full list of categories and judges, visit the website: www.eventtechnologyawards.co.uk