This year’s National Outdoor Event Association Convention & Awards will be hosted by Emma Britton, presenter, public speaker, event professional and former BBC radio presenter. Emma takes on the role as the event looks to create more workshop style sessions, more networking and, at the evening awards, a chance to celebrate the best of the UK events industry.
Emma spent 13 years at the BBC and rose through the ranks into a well-respected broadcast presenter, hosting weekday shows on both BBC Radio Bristol and BBC Radio Somerset as well as appearances on BBC Radio 4, BBC Points West & Inside Out West. Over that time, she earnt a reputation for her empathetic interview style and humour. Equally, with her role based predominantly in the southwest, she covered many of the events that take place in the area, first stimulating her fondness for the industry.
Since then, as well as working as a freelance radio presenter, voiceover artist, MC-ing events and as a public speaker, she has become closer and closer to the events industry and as a follower of NOEA.
Susan Tanner, CEO, NOEA, commented, “I’ve known Emma for a long time, not least through my previous role as the Event Director of the Bristol Balloon Fiesta. She’s always been a firm but fair journalist and a really credible local influencer. But she also really gets this industry and has always been keen to get under the skin of it, asking the right questions. We really need this at our convention, where we have a lot of discussion points on the table.”
“Equally, Emma’s warmth and professionalism will be ideal for the evening Awards Dinner, as people let their hair down and begin to celebrate the best of the industry after another big year in outdoor events,” adds Susan.
“I’ve known many of the people at NOEA for some time and have always been a big fan of events and event professionals,” comments Emma. “In my role with the media, this has often given me access to the best and the worst of events, and I feel this perspective will contribute to some really open discussions about the future of the industry and how these brilliant professionals can take it on.”
NOEA launched the theme of this year’s convention and awards last month, looking to take on some of the macro as well as micro trends that will be affecting the industry as part of its ‘New Events World 2025’ approach, building #Back.Better.Bold.