By Prof. Deborah Edwards and Prof. Carmel Foley
Business Events operate in a challenging and highly-competitive environment; the sustained research partnership between BESydney and UTS has assisted BESydney to drive their business activities both internally and externally.
Our collaborative research partnership has served to educate our local politicians about the full value of business events; indeed BESydney credits our early work with helping NSW politicians to finalise their decision to build Sydney’s new international conference centre: ICC Sydney.
The research provides BESydney clients with legacy data for their conferences, and assists BESydney with marketing insights for the conference and incentive markets.
Our research is also used to provide intelligence to the membership of BESydney, including insights into the impacts of business events on the broader community. As BESydney is committed to best practice our work assists them in accurately measuring and representing the value – both economic and social – for the sector in New South Wales (NSW).
We have also assisted in quality assurance research, which enables BESydney to remain client focused, and to validate organisational change.
The ‘Beyond Tourism Benefits’ research series received international acclaim and led to our collaboration with the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC) on the Event Case Study Program. We are collecting data to expand the value proposition of the Business Events sector on an international scale.
We know that there are thousands of amazing stories out there just like the ones in our book and we want to uncover those stories and demonstrate to the world the Power of Conferences. We are hoping that many destinations around the world will come on board with this study so that they can demonstrate to their stakeholders the value and importance of the sector.
So many people are working directly and indirectly to stage these conferences so that people can make amazing discoveries and connections – our work emphasises the value of what they do.
We are absolutely thrilled to be attending the Business Events Leaders’ Conference in Glasgow. It is a brilliant opportunity to meet leaders in the industry including Economic Sector Heads. Forums focused on thought leadership are always great places to be – we are sure there are going to be many ‘ah ha’ moments for those in attendance. What a brilliant initiative from Kevin and the teams at Eventsbase and Business Tourism for Scotland.
Prof. Foley and Prof. Edwards will be keynote speakers at the inuagural Business Events Leaders’ Summit, which takes place at the SEC in Glasgow on March 21.
Are you a Leader of change? Register HERE to attend.