The awards will celebrate, recognise and showcase the organisations and leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to being diversity and inclusion change makers and allies.
Companies, organisations, brands and event managers who have pro-actively incorporated, championed and demonstrated diverse and inclusive elements in their events are welcome to submit an application.
Leading Diversity & Inclusion consultancy for the global events industry, Diversity Ally, have been providing support to over 20 events organisations over the last year.
Gabrielle Austen-Browne (Co-founder) commented: “The Diversity In Events Awards is another opportunity being provided for the events industry to showcase and be recognised for the work its doing to become more diverse and inclusive in its culture, people and image.”
The awards are open to applications from any organisation, in any sector, including publishers, brands, agencies, venues and individuals that deliver events in all of its forms, whether that’s in person events, virtual events, brand activations or experiential marketing campaigns. Factors such as accessibility, diversifying supply chains, diverse marketing collateral and content, diverse team make up and championing DEI initiatives will be considered when applications are made.
Ashanti Bentil-Dhue (Co-founder) added: “The first of its kind in the industry, these awards will require applications from nominees to include tangible and specific examples of diversity and inclusion happening within their organisations or events. We are incredibly pleased and proud to announce the launch of what will become a legacy occasion for the events industry.”
Priya Narian (Diversity Ally committee member) said: “It is important to celebrate those that are striving to make improvements to the diversity of our industry, not just to ensure it’s longevity but also to create an inclusive industry that continues to evolve positively. These awards will be an opportunity for the industry to support and learn from each other and feel inspired to continue working towards more DEI in our industry.”
- Categories announced- Monday 6th September 2021
- Applications open- Monday 4th October 2021
- Shortlist announced- February 2022
- Live Awards Ceremony- April 2022
Diversity Ally will also be accepting applications from individuals wishing to be part of the judging panel.
If you are Interested in sponsorship or partnership opportunities please email team@diveristyally.co.uk
Source: Events Industry News