Gü, Coca Cola, Walt Disney, The Coconut Collaborative and Green & Blacks are amongst the brands presenting inspirational education sessions this year at the fifth edition of The Meetings Show! Jo Fairley, leading female entrepreneur and co-founder of the ethical chocolate brand Green & Blacks, will be sharing the lessons that every business needs to follow using the rollercoaster story of her business success.
Rafe Offer, Brand Manager at Coca Cola and Walt Disney Company and Global Marketing Director for Diageo will be presenting a session about the evolution of Sofar Sounds – starting from a living room in north London, to being hosted in over 300 cities around the globe. He speaks about innovation, company culture and the importance of customer insight using real-world examples from the international brands he’s worked with.
Aaron Balick, Author of the Psychodynamics of Social Networking will present a session titled “Better Than You Know Yourself: Influence, Fake News, Algorithms, and Your Online Self”. The amount of personal information that you freely put online is unprecedented, and it’s being used like never before. But can an algorithm really know you better than you know yourself? The answer is complicated – but so are you.
Andrew Davis, a true authority on digital and social media who played a leading role in launching BBC 1Xtra and MySpace will be “Putting the “So what” into digital marketing” with a session discussing the fact that whilst more and more brands are investing resources into digital marketing, showing a return is key. But how do you know what success is in a world that is forever changing? Andrew will break down the three most important questions event planners need to address in their digital marketing efforts.
With over 80 education sessions across 10 content streams, all completely FREE to registered visitors, The Meetings Show is the one destination you need to learn, get inspired and come away with the toolkit you need to bring your future events to life.