A life sciences conference in Aberdeen is expected to attract 500 delegates over three days in September.

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) will host the International Conference on the Mechanism of Action of Nutraceuticals (ICMAN) and the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) Natural Products Section joint conference on 27-29 September.

RGU’s Professor Cherry Wainwright, conference co-chair, commented: ““I’m proud to be working with IUPHAR and ICMAN to host this significant international event in Aberdeen. Myself and the organisers look forward to welcoming delegates from around the world to the city; showcasing the quality and breadth of the research and expertise we have here in Aberdeen.”

With notable speakers lined up including Professor Raymond Andersen of the University of British Columbia, Canada who will present a lecture entitled “Sponging off Nature for New Drug Leads” and ICMAN invited speaker; Dr Charis Galanakis of Galanakis Laboratries, Greece who will present on the topic of  “Nutraceuticals Retrieved from Food Processing Waste”.

Abstract submissions are currently being accepted for the conference, more information can be found at http://www.icman-iuphar-np-2017.org/abstract-submission/

Steven Daun, Associations Sales Manager at AECC commented: “It is great to be welcoming this prestigious conference to the city.  This event displays the strong teamwork in place in Aberdeen, with the venue working closely with both of the city’s universities and showcasing the fantastic knowledge and work which takes place here.”